Each photograph taken with care and love. Photography is not just a job but a passion. The digital world allows it: Many photographs are taken but only few manage to sustain. Those who do, get edited carefully to unfold their true potential and beauty.
Collaborating with the sound engineer, Lukas Moritz Wegscheider, we could develop a streaming setup over the last years that is easy to assemble and perfectly fits the demands of small to medium sized events. We offer a series of services, helping you to reach a larger audience.
Our concept stands out for being particularly flexible, offering a wide variety of products, ranging from simple to complex and interactive:
- Streaming the live image of one camera including high quality audio to a broad audience online via Zoom, Facebook, YouTube or any streaming platform of your choice.
- Streaming the screen of a presenter's Laptop, live camera image of the presenter him- or herself and a facilitator's camera image with high quality picture-in-picture rendering.
- Hybrid performance with online as well as on-site audience, using multiple camera images to broadcast speakers, their presentations and audience, enabling both audiences to experience high quality content and even to interact with each other for question rounds or discussions.
...and anything in between those situations. Streaming concerts, theater plays, weddings, business presenations or philosophical discussion rounds: Most likely we will find a setup that fits your demands perfectly well.
Idea & Acting: Ira Kurhanska
Camera & Lighting: Moritz Schachner (indiVisuals)
The description and background story of the video can be found on the
Vimeo page.
Do you remember your first camera? What kind of images did you take with it?
Mine was a - back in the days - super modern miniDV camcorder that my sister and I used as kids for all kinds of videos but especially shooting magic tricks. We put the camera on tripods and filled our tapes with hours of video where we would film our (poor, enduring) cats sleeping, stop the camera, remove the cat and then continue filming, making the cat magically disappear.
But it all really started when I finally got my first DSLR camera at the age of 16. Being an extremely curious youth I figured all the camera settings and their implications out by myself, experimenting with exposure times, aperture, perspectives and image compositions. I continued my journey with a stronger focus on still images, developing and constantly upgrading equipment as the demands rose.
And this is where I am... Ever improving, learning, being fascinated by the infinite number of possibilities to get creative on the quest for that one image. The one that no one has taken before. The one that touches you at a profound level and that you remember forever.